Monday, February 23, 2009

A Rant on the Evilness of Mat Cutters

This could also be called "A Rant on the Stupidity of Me."

For anyone who owns a Logan mat cutter (or any type of mat cutter for that matter): BEWARE! Yes, every teacher we have ever had tells us to be careful. I thought I was. But no. I stupidly assumed that because said mat cutter ran along a track it would stay on the track. Well, it doesn't always. There I was, revelling in the ease and accuracy of my Logan mat cutter, merrily cutting the very last bit off a mat so it would fit into a frame, when ZOIT - I sliced my thumb. Apparently, you should NOT cut pieces off that are only 1/16th of an inch thick. It can cause the mat to bend; which causes the hand blade to jump the track; which causes you to cut your stupid thumb because you weren't expecting that; which causes pain, a three-hour trip to the ER, and five stitches. So remember: don't assume anything. It makes an ass out of u and me. In this case, mostly me.

Also, if you happen to be the recipient of the gift that someone slices their thumb making, the first thing out of your mouth after hearing the story should not be a worried "did you bleed on the paintings." That is just the tiniest bit tacky. Certain brothers of mine may want to re-read the last part a few times for clarity.

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