Wednesday, January 21, 2009

reading two

We've heard it once, we'll hear it again: working with clients can suck. Keeping your cool is key; apparently chair throwing is not an option. It will be tough to toe the line between ignoring the client to the point that they fire you or just going along with ideas that you know aren't the best you can do. I can always hope for clients that grant a lot of freedom or ones that give useful/good input. For a fun video of a client that does neither go here. Yes, I have posted this before, but it fits the situation...

I thought the part of the reading where it described how to come up with visual metaphors was pretty interesting as well. The ones we see and the ones mentioned in the reading seem so obvious but still clever, but when I try and make one of my own it's a lot harder. The steps that it gave will probably be useful later in this project.

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